Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Alien central

Speaking of Zierenberg, it turns out to be the centre of crop circle activity in Germany; a new one appeared just a few days ago. You can see it here.

www.ufoinfo.com also has this report from a few years back:

"Since 1998, the area around Zierenberg, near Kassel, has become Germany's crop circle hotspot. Each May 1 (Beltane), a new formation has been found each year in this vicinity."

"Eight days later," on Tuesday, May 8, 2000, "Klaus Listmann discovered a single circle of about 10 meters (33 feet) in diameter in a field of oilseed rape at Gut Rangen, again near Zierenberg."

German cerealogist Wolfgang Ring "reported that it was nearly impossible to enter the field without causing a track by walking through the one-meter high rape that had grown into each other, creating a non-walkable 'jungle.' Neverthless, the circle itself showed no entry tracks. Nor was it connected to any walkable path." (Vielen dank zum Andreas Mueller von International Crop Circle Archive for this report.)

Pagan gods, witches in gingerbread houses, now alien visitors... it's a wonder anyone ever leaves Hessia alive.